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Financial Planning for Working Moms

Historically, 职场母亲在职场上的抱负甚至高于一般职场女性.1 这种雄心壮志可能会促使他们在预算和财务问题上表现出色,从而帮助他们管理家庭财务. What should working moms know about financial planning, 他们可以采取什么措施来帮助他们的家庭走向一个自信的财务未来? Here are five financial planning tips for working moms.

Create a Budget (or a Spending Plan)

许多人倾向于认为预算是有限制的——就像严格节食一样. 将你的预算重新制定为一个支出计划可以帮助你监控你的收入和支出,而不会觉得你太紧或浪费钱. Have a plan for every dollar, whether it goes toward paying monthly bills, paying down debt, saving for the future or even having a fun splurge.

Have an Emergency Fund

如果你手头没钱,有紧急情况需要立即采取行动——比如上班路上爆胎了, 一个生病的亲戚在全国各地,或者一个坏了的暖通空调系统在炎热的夏天,你可能会发现有必要负债来帮助支付这些费用. 信用卡和现金预支可能有很高的利率和严格的还款条件.

Having a few thousand dollars, or more, set aside in an emergency fund may help you with a temporary problem, 它还可以帮助你避免增加债务负担或支付更多的利息.

Eradicate High-Interest Debt

你在支付利息上浪费的每一美元都是你没有存起来或花在更有意义的事情上的一美元. 通过专注于偿还高息债务或将其再融资为低息贷款, you might work to manage the amount of interest you pay. 这样做的好处可能是每个月增加你口袋里的钱.

Using a method called "snowball," once you eradicate one debt balance with the highest interest rate, 把你用来偿还债务的钱用在利率第二高的债务上. 这种用来偿还债务的方法一旦开始就会有动力, like a snowball rolling down a hill.

在你建立了应急基金之后,是时候开始投资了. Although the stock markets rise and fall daily, in general, "time in the market beats timing the market"—that is, 你的基金在股票市场上运作的时间越长,获得的股息就越多, the higher your average return might be. Investing may include contributing to a 401(k), an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), a Roth IRA, a 529 college account, or any combination of these accounts, some of which may be tax-advantaged.

Don't Forget Self-Care

甚至在大流行之前,许多母亲就很难找到时间进行无罪恶感的自我保健. 随着过去几年的剧变,对许多人来说,自我保健进一步被搁置一边. However, 抽出时间和金钱来从事你喜欢的活动对你的心理和财务健康至关重要. 无论自我照顾看起来像一个没有打扰的夜晚,还是每月得到一笔“零花钱”, no questions asked, 把自我照顾列入你的日程可能会获得很多好处——无论是经济上的还是非经济上的.

To get help from a financial professional, request a complimentary consultation, either in-person or virtually, with a Financial Advisor at Elements Wealth Management.

Request a Consultation

Important Disclosures

本材料中表达的意见仅供一般参考,并不打算为任何个人证券提供具体的建议或建议. To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financial professional prior to investing.

Investing involves risks including possible loss of principal.

传统IRA的供款在供款年度可以免税, with current income tax due at withdrawal. 在59岁半之前提款,除了当前的所得税外,可能还要缴纳10%的国税局罚款税.

The Roth IRA offers tax deferral on any earnings in the account. 只要符合条件,从该账户提款可以免税. Limitations and restrictions may apply. 在59岁半之前提款或在账户开立5年之前提款, whichever is later, may result in a 10% IRS penalty tax. 未来的税法可能随时改变,并可能影响罗斯个人退休账户的收益. Their tax treatment may change.

Prior to investing in a 529 Plan, 投资者应考虑投资者或指定受益人所在的州是否提供任何州税收或其他州福利,如财政援助, scholarship funds, 债权人的保护只适用于投资于该州的合格学费计划. Withdrawals used for qualified expenses are federally tax free. Tax treatment at the state level may vary. Please consult with your tax advisor before investing.

此信息不打算成为具体的个人税务建议的替代品. 我们建议您与合格的税务顾问讨论您的具体税务问题.

All information is believed to be from reliable sources; however LPL Financial makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy.

This article was prepared by WriterAccess.

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225 South East Street; Suite 156
Indianapolis, IN 46202



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